Woodson County, Kansas Land For Sale Near Toronto
ASKING PRICE: $465,500 ($3500/acre)
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 571 Bobcat Rd, Toronto, KS 66777
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 133+- acres located northeast of Toronto in Woodson County, Kansas. An abandoned Railroad track angles through the property, offering a well known natural habitat and traffic way for wildlife. The south and east side of the tracks consists of heavy brush, thick trees, and excellent habitat for Kansas Whitetail Deer and Turkeys…both of which are commonly seen on the property. A clear water pond is nestled into that timbered area at the very center of the property. That pond is loaded with fathead minnows, an excellent bait species already established to make this your fishing honey hole. Speaking of honey holes…an abundance of Morel Mushrooms was photographed while we visited the property the second week of April! An additional water feature is the creek that meanders through the southern portion of the land. A 6″ water line runs along the north boundary of the property and electricity is available, offering an opportunity for utilities to build a cabin, house, or barn home. The northwest side of the property and a portion along the west edge have been utilized as hay meadow in the past. What a nice diverse opportunity to Invest In Land!
TOWER INCOME: Current annual income until 2029 is $3,802.19. The tenant has the right to extend for another 25 years at that time. If extend the initial rate will be $4,372.52 and every 5 years the rate shall automatically raise every 5 years by the rate of 15% of the previous 5 year period.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All the NW/4, Section 12, Township 26 S, Range 13E except the south 24 acres thereof, and subject to the Missouri Pacific right of way, and subject to an easement in favor of The United States of America on all that part of the NW/4 SW/4 NW/4, North 264 feet of the SW/4 SW/4 NW/4 lying below the elevation of 936 feet MSL, and subject to all easements of record, Woodson County, Kansas.
LAND LOCATION: Just northeast of Toronto, KS at the southeast corner of 60th Rd and Bobcat Rd.
2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $643.46
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